Creative writing examples.
Whether they are taken candidly or professionally, all images are rich with meaning to both the audience and the image-producers. Photographers employ several techniques such as choosing specific subject matter, using composition, and creating context around an image to present a statement through visuals and guide audiences to the intended meanings of certain images. Audiences have a unique relationship to all of the pictures they view since each person has their own interpretation,secondary to the image-producer’s original encoded message. The meaning of images can be especially malleable when images are arranged in a cohesive body, as viewers’ understanding of individual images can change due to how the images collectively relate to each other. Demonstrating how pictures that may seem insignificant at first glance can actually uncover many truths about the human condition when they are arranged in a specific way and examined further, I have complied a total of three sets of photos that represent emotional pain, ambiguity, and mankind’s relationship to nature.